Thursday, November 6, 2008

So many smiles.

It's been less than 48 hours since Barack Obama was named the 44th President of the United States of America, and I've noticed something - happiness, not just here in the US, but worldwide. The last time I saw so many people in the world this happy was when the Berlin Wall was torn to the ground - and when that was happening, I was too young to truly appreciate the significance of such global happiness. It seems that everywhere I turn, there is rejoicing.

A Canadian reporter covering the election in DC was stormed by a crowd of Obama supporters, and showered with hugs, kisses, and singing

The American Bureau Chief of the Vienna, Austria bureau of the Associated Press was randomly kissed by a young Austrian woman, upon realizing that he was an American. He surmises that even though no words were exchanged, it was meant as a thank you for helping to change the world.

People in London are overwhelmingly thrilled, and the Prime Minister Gordon Brown has even gone on record suggesting that the US could even become a beacon of Democracy, hope, freedom, and Liberty - something this nation has forgotten over the past eight years.

Colin Powell even cried tears of joy when talking about Obama's victory.

Even though I am not a Democrat, nor am I Republican, nor did I vote for either Obama or McCain, I do love this country, and it makes me proud to see such joy and more importantly, unity, throughout this great nation, and across the world.

Congratulations President Obama.

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